Rent a MINI for an Hour in London

As it turns out London was official rated the most fun-deprived city in the UK. According to the research that proved this fact, it shows that Londoners have fun for 142 minutes per day due mostly to their daily commute.

MINI is trying to change all of that with their new campaign that will also push their newest low-cost financing scheme to make MINIs more affordable where you can finance one for only£189 per month. Started by the MINIster of Finance, the new car hire service is called the “MINI Fun Hire Service” and lets you rent a MINI Cooper for 26p per hour. All you have to do to rent one is show up at their location in the West End’s Berkley Square, put the money in the machine, and take off.

The kick off event for this program began on Tuesday, December 5th. You could really get some value out of this program it you use it intelligently, or you could just have fun around town for a few hours.