NY Mayor Makes Proposal of Adding 10,000 Electric Car Charging Spaces

If mayor Michael Bloomberg has his way, there will be 10,000 new public spaces to charge electric cars in New York City within seven years.

“This year we’ll pilot curbside vehicle chargers that will allow drivers to fill up their battery in as little as 30 minutes.

We’ll work with the city council to amend the Building Code so that up to 20 percent of all new public parking spaces will be wired and ready for electric vehicles.”

2013 Nissan LEAF
New York City currently has a law that requires new parking spaces for any new building construction and the mayor’s office says that this law adds about 10,000 spaces each year. If Bloomberg proposal passes, 20 percent of those parking spaces would be reserved for electric cars.

This will mark a massive jump in New York’s public charging stations if this takes effect. Currently there are 100 public charging stations as well as 120 for the city’s own electric fleet.