Former Employees of Fisker Sue Company Because of Layoffs

fisker logoRecently, Fisker announced that they were letting go of about 160 of their employees, and now those workers are fighting back with a lawsuit. The law firm of Outtan & Golden claims that Fisker did not provide the 60 days written notice that is required when undertaking mass lay offs or firings.

To rectify this, the law firm is going after Fisker for 60 days worth of wages and benefits for the ousted employees. The suit was filed on behalf of a former Fisker employee named Sven Etzelsberger, however it is seeking class action status.

Fisker told the affected worker that it could  not afford to give them severance pay. About 50 Fisker executives were kept on to help find perspective buyers for the company’s remaining assets, although if the lawsuit is a success, those assets may be needed. So it seems as though it is only a matter of time until the company files for chapter 11 bankruptcy.