No matter how safe of a driver you think you are, car accidents happen and they can happen at any time and to anyone. That’s why it’s important to keep a first aid kit, other safety devices, and important information and documentation in your car at all times. All of these items will come in handy in case an accident does happen. So that a bad situation doesn’t become worse, follow these steps after an accident:
#1 Remain Calm
After a car accident it’s easy to become angry and stressed, which won’t help the situation and may result in making some bad decisions following the accident. Instead of panicking, try to stay calm throughout the aftermath of the accident.
#2 Get out of the Way
If possible, move the vehicle to the side of the road and warn oncoming traffic. Turn on hazard lights and set out cones, flares, and warning triangles which should be kept in your car for safety purposes at all times.
#3 Call 911
Always call the police after an accident, even if there aren’t any injuries.
#4 Exchange Information
Exchange names, addresses, phone numbers, insurance company names, insurance company policy numbers, divers license numbers, and license plate numbers with the other party. It’s easy to get distracted and frustrated after an accident, but don’t forget to write down any of this information.
#5 Document Everything
As time goes on you may forget all of the little details that could matter down the road. While it’s fresh in your memory, write down the exact location of the accident and how it happened. Include descriptions of each car, including the year, make, model, and color. Using your cell phone, take photos of both vehicles for future reference.
#6 Look for Witnesses
If nobody is taking the blame for an accident, a witness to the accident can help the authorities determine who is at fault. If you believe you are not at fault, ask witnesses for their contact information.
#7 File an Accident Report
No matter how minor, always file an accident report so that it is on file. This document can help speed up the insurance company claims process.